Sand Classifier with Longitudinal Hopper

Sand Classifier with Longitudinal Hopper
SET1 800

The Sand Classifier with Longitudinal Hopper make a selection of the grit for the principle of gravity and thanks to the whirling motion create by blower, moving the particles, separates the grit from the organic material that due to major specif weight respect to the water decants on the bottom of the hopper, where there is a bottom screw that carries the grit in a collection tank; also bring in suspension oil and grease. An inclinated, called extractor, pick up the grit and bring it out of the machine. The grease removal system is make of a series of plate moved by chain that scrapes the water and bring the grease in a collection hopper.

The water rich of organic material exit to the machine for overflow from an appropriate discharge.

Combined Unit with Degreasing System

Set 2 800

The combined unit with degreasing system model SET 3 make a first screening with a screw screen placed on the top of the machine; the solids with dimensions major to the mesh are trapped. Thanks to a series of brushes mounted on the screw are rimoved the solids and are washed and compacted before the discharge. haks also to high pressure nozzles the screen remain without solids always. The water and the solids passed trought the screen are collected in a rectangular tank, where a blower create a whirling motion dividing the water form grit, grease and organic material; this last two remain on the surface of the water, while the grit decants on the bottom for the major specific weight where met a bottom screw that collect in a little tank the solids and an other screw lift up the solids bringing it at the external of the machine. The grease removal system is make by the whirling motion create by blower that push the grease on the opposite site of the blower where overflow in a appropriate channel; a nozzle with high pressure water bring out of the machines the grease. The clean water overflows out of the machine throught an appropriate hopper.

Mini Set 3

Mini Set 3


It’s an equipment in the condition to complete the mechanical pre-treatment in the small wastewater treatment plants having a flowrate up to 30 m3/h. Screen screw compactor with the best efficiency in terms of solids capture ratio and dewatering of screenings. The grit removal system is able to capture up to 90% of grit having minimum size 200 microns. Grease removal system can obtain a separation of up to 80% of the grease present in the effluent.

Mini Set 2

Mini Set 2


MINI.SET 2 is a combined equipment for screenings and grit removing; it represents the most economical solution to treat low flowrates. The incoming wastewater is filtred throught a screw screen than goes into the settling tank. The internal baffle system allows an efficient separation of the sand that is collected on the bottom of the tank and removed with a manual valve or solenoid valve.


  • Screws: high strength carbon steel or stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Structure: stainless steel AISI304/316
  • Filtration: 0.5 – 6 mm
  • Flowrates: from 2 l/s to 13 l/s
  • Screen Basket: wedge wire/perforated plate

Combined Unit

Combined Unit SET 2
SET1 800

The Combined Unit model SET 2. make a first screening by a screw screen placed at the top of the machine; the particles with dimension major than the mesh of the screen are trapped. Thanks to a series of brush mounted on the screw are removed and lifted the solidi that are washed and compacted befor the discharge. Also thanks to high pressure nozzles the screeen remain clean and without solids costantly.

The water and the solids passed throght the screen are collected in a longitudinal tank, where a blower cause a whirling motion that separate the grit from the organic material; the last one remain on the surface of the water, while the grit decants on the bottom for major specific weight respect to the water, where a bottom screw conveys the material in a collection tank. Now a extracting screw lift up the grit and discharge it out of the machine. The water for overflow exits out of the machine throught an appropritate hopper.