Electromagnetic air pump

Electromagnetic air pump

Operating principle
The activated electromagnets put a permanent magnet into oscillation movements. The magnet holder moves now at the same frequency as that of the power supply – normally 50 Hz respectively 60 Hz – back and forth between the electromagnets and sets a diaphragm going on both sides, which then changes the valve box volume. By discharging via the valves, both pressure and vacuum can be realized.

Long life expectancy
Motor and pump parts are combined in one single construction. The compact and light construction form and the simple mechanism guarantee a long and reliable period of operation.
High degree of efficiency
The principle of electromagnetic oscillation, which practically has no mechanical friction, minimises power consumption and provides a high degree of efficiency.
Low noise level
The soundproof casing and the muffl er integrated in the tank base reduce operating noise.
Low vibration
Motor and pump parts are separated by a vibration-isolating rubber, so only low vibration consists.
Completely oil-free
The oil-free operation guarantees a dry and unadulterated air flow.
Pulsation-free air flow
Specially formed pump chambers and the muffl er integrated in the tank base provide an air fl ow, which is practically pulsation-free.
All series with a housing (SLL, EL, JDK) are rainproof and weatherproof. However, they should not be exposed to direct sunlight, rain or snow.
Universal service kits
For each model series service kits are available. They are vacuum-packed in aluminium foil for better and longer life/ storage.