Arch screen

Arch Screen2_800
Arch Screen8_800
Arch Screen-800
Arch Screen3_800


The screen with automatic arch can be installed directly in medium-small channels for coarse screening. The screened material is collected by the cleaning combs and rolls slowly through the holes. It is then raised and deposited in a container situated immediately downstream of the screen or removed on a conveyor belt. Overload protection can consist of dynamometric devices or electronic current limiters.


  • Frame made of press-formed or tubular profiles;
  • Screen consisting of a set of plasma cut bars of appropriate size;
  • Rotating comb arms in square or tubular configuration, mounted on the frame with UCP supports;
  • Combs in AISI 304 stainless steel or self-lubricating polyzene that clean the screen;
  • Raping blade for automatic cleaning of the combs, with rubber buffers;
  • Worm Geared motor;
  • Spacing between 15 and 50 mm.


Stainless steel AISI 304/316.
Also available in carbon steel.

Grit washer

Grit washer x-g.wash_800
Grit washer x-g.wash-1_800


These machines are used for the separation and cleaning of sandy material from wastewater. These machines consist of a conical decantation hopper, provided with an agitation system that give to sandywaste water a rotational movement; this rotation facilitates the sedimentation process and, at the same time, keeps in suspension the organic matters. The hopper’s bottom is fed with clean water that creates a counterflow that removes the organic material which is then evacuated from a pipe placed at the upper side of the hopper. The washed sands are removed from the bottom of the hopper by a shafted screw conveyor, while the output cleaned water outflows from a pipe placed at the top of the hopper. The water enters the hopper through the inlet scroll; the volume is kept in motion by the agitator central that a rotational movement, whose purpose is to facilitate the sedimentation of the sand and at the same time to maintain suspension of the organic material. The sand, on its way towards the bottom is fur-ther washed clean water fed in countercurrent, to then be extracted from the cochlea. The water countercurrent also has the task of facilitating the ascent of the organic substances, that are then evacquate at regular intervals by a special exhaust pipe. The clarified water is instead evacuated by a second conduit placed in the upper part of the conical hopper. The constant rotational motion of the water mass allows the sand to pass from the hopper to the discharge screw, which conveys it to the exit.


  • Screw: stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Structure: stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Grit: ≥ 90% for particles up to 200 μm
  • Residual Organic Content: ≤ 5 %
  • Inlet Flow Rate: up to 90 m3/h

Grit separator and washer

Grit separator and washer x-pista_800
Grit separator and washer x-pista1_800


The grit separator and washer is used for separating sand form the organic materials. Once in the tank, the water is stirred by paddles, so the organic components are separated from the sand. Organic components stay in suspension, till they escape out from the tank. The sand, due to its specific gravity, gets down to the conic bottom, then is extracted by an air-lift. The paddles with central shaft run by a gearmotor, endless-screw or epicycloidal-gears type.

Grit classifier

Grit classifier X-GC 8001
Grit classifier X-GC 800


Grit separators are used to remove grit from water. These separators consist of a shaftless screw conveyor provided with a big sedimentation hopper, including inlet/outlet flanged spouts. Effluent flows through the hopper, that is designed specifically to allow the sedimentation process while the grit separation takes place. The shaftless screw extracts the grits from the hopper’s bottom, while the cleaned water outflow trough the outlet spout. The water enters the hopper and the sand falls on the bottom, to then be extracted from the cochlea that, by rotating at low speed, avoiding turbulence and increases the efficiency of the process. The trough of the extraction screw is protected by a wear-resistant coating HDPE or in bars of stainless steel.


  • Screw: high strength carbon steel or stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Structure: stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Trough Protection: HDPE liner or bolted stainless steel wearing bars in AISI 304/316.
  • Grit separation: ≥ 90% for particles up to 200 μm
  • Inlet Flow Rate: up to 100 m3/h.

Shaftless compactor

CP Shaftless screw compactor 4
CP Shaftless screw compactor 2


The X-S-COMP Shaftless screw compactor allows to combine three operations: draining, conveyng, compacting. The machine consists of three sections: the draining section, usually placed before the hopper where the majority of the water is discharged; the conveying section, that moves the material to the compacting/dewatering section, where both the volume and the weight reduction take place (up to 50%).

The screw is usually connected directly to the drive system. The working range of the machine is 5° to 35°.

The operation of the machine starts from the entrance of screenings in the hopper. The material is then conveyed up to the area of compaction and dehydration through the shaftless screw conveyor, then is downloaded into a bin. The volume of the screenings can achieve a reduction of up to 40% or more. The water drained from the compaction zone is conveyed at the entrance of the machine, where it can be discharged or possibly reused for other treatments.


  • Screw: high strength carbon steel or stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Structure: galvanized iron or stainless steel AISI 304 or 316
  • Length: the maximum length depends on the overall specifications (power and diameter) and can be up to 20 meters.
  • Trough Protection: HDPE liner or bolted stainless steel wearing bars.
  • Drive: the maximum power and depends on the inclination, the flow rate and the length

As an option, we can provide a bagging single or continuous system, both with the function of collecting the screeningin order to should not come in contact with the staff of the plant, and also to avoid the escape of odors. The machine can also be supplied of a system of automatic washing commanded by a solenoid valve for the drainage area and compaction.

Screening and washing press

Screenings washer and compactor 800
Screenings washer and compactor2 800


The X-COMP screw compactor combine two operations: washing, compacting screenings. It can be placed directly under the screen or fed with a conveyor. The machine consists of inlet hopper connected with a tubular section (draining section) with a perforated bottom for water discharge; the hopper can be equipped with a supplementary washing system in order to increase the organic matter removing. Along the transport section, a nozzles system performs the screenings washing, until the compacting section.

The compacting counterforce is realized by means of a “trunk” shaped discharge tube. The high compacting rate and the screenings washing allows to reduce disposal costs and odour problems.


  • Screw: high strength carbon steel or stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Structure: stainless steel AISI 304/316


  • High screenings compacting achieve (up to 60%)
  • Odour problems reduction
  • Disposal costs reduction
  • Easy installation
  • Low and easy maintenance required (no weldments required)

Polyelectrolyte preparation and dosing station

Polyelectrolyte preparation


The polyelectrolyte preparation and dosing station is devised especially for the production of base solutions or solutions using synthetic flocculants (polyelectrolytes). These solutions can be used in all cases where colloidal substances need to be separated from waste water. The user inserts the data regarding the concentration of the solution, the hydraulic calibration of the powder metering device and the liquid concenetrate pump, according to the work requirements at the time.


The automatic mixing plants with two or three chambers for flocculant substances in powder form for producing a dosing solution of 0.05 and 0.5% consist of:

  • Combined container in stainless steel for preparing, maturing and storing polyelectrolyte, with reinforcements and brackets for the other aggregates;
  • Bottom and overflow discharges in stainless steel (min 70 lt.)
  • Metering device for dry substances, of variable capacity, and loading hopper with hinged cover and seal, propeller with three-phase motor and variable speed;
  • 2 or 3 low-speed electric agitators in AISI 304 stainless steel with motor;
  • Pipes for metering the concentrated liquid;
  • Washing system for washing and dampening the powder, with a washing device, nozzle, flow measuring device and a set of fittings for the water solution.

Modular thickener dehydrator

Modular Thickener Dehydrator

This new range of machines provides a solution to the increasing problem of thickening and sludge dewatering. It certainly represent a valid alternative to the machines currently used such as, for example, a conventional dynamic thickener. The thickener – dehydrator has been developed in two different versions: the X-RA, and the X-RAD, both modular. The model X-RA is composed of a reactor for the flocculation and a dynamic thickener. In the version X-RAD is installed, in addition to the previous ones, the module for the mechanical dewatering of the sludge. The module for the mechanical dewatering of the sludge can also be installed at a later stage, and allows to avoid the plant stoppage.

Indeed, in the case in which X-RAD is installed in combination with other equipment for the dewatering of sludge (eg. centrifuge, belt press..), and that the latter needs a maintenance (ordinary or extraordinary), the third module will replace the function of the one in maintenance.

X-RA and X-RAD have, inside the drum, a screw conveyor with shaft with a conical section. Before the drum, the flocculation takes place, thanks to the addition of the polyelectrolyte into the sludge, which subsequently reaches the dynamic thickener. In this module, washing nozzles at high pressure constantly maintain clean the screen basket (necessary and essential condition for the result), that usually is of wedgewire type. On request, installing a system of self-cleaning nozzles, is possible to use as backWash water the one recovered from the collection hopper, positioned under the drainage area. Depending on the concentration of mud in the input, this type of machine can get to manage a flow of sludge in input up to 25-30 m3/h. The main materials of construction are stainless steel AISI 304 and stainless steel AISI 316.

On request, can be supplied, in addition, the system of preparation and dosing of polyelectrolyte (in the version with storage tank in stainless steel or polyethylene) and can be included the electrical control panel and can be studied customizations requested by the customer, in order to make the machine adaptable to any existing plant or not.

The main advantages are:

  • Low installation and management costs
  • Completely closed and compact unit, which limits odors and, in general, the environmental impact in the place where it is installed.
  • Reduced energy consumption for its use.
  • Machines do not have any zone or area prone to wear and tear caused by the rubbing of metal parts, and therefore the costs of maintenance and management are in general very low.


Typical installations are those of the X-RA upstream of a centrifuge, a belt press, or any other machine for sludge dewatering and, given the high returns that the X-RA can provide, install it before any of these equipment, optimize the process. In the version X-RAD, with the addition of the module for the mechanical dehydration of the sludge, the machine can be used for installations of civil or industrial plant, with small / medium size, as a single solution, avoiding the use of other systems for dehydration.

Septage acceptance unit screening grit removing


SEP 2 is a machine used for the pre-treatment of screening and grit removing of wastes from cesspool, received from a tank truck connected to the machine by a quick connection end pipe, Perrot type, DN100.

Wastewater is screened to remove larger particles, then screenings (removed particles) are washed to remove organic matters and compacted before being discharged; this washing process allows to reduce odour problems. The screened wastewater reaches the sedimentation tank, where grits settle down and then are collected until the accumulation point by a screw conveyor rotating in the tank’s bottom.

Grits are then extracted by the inclined screw conveyor. The machine consists of a receiving tank provided with a quick connection and an electromechanical ball valve; a screw screen with compacting system before the outlet zone. Connected to the acceptance tank there is the sedimentation tank, where the settling takes place, equipped with two screw conveyors to collect and remove grits.

Both the tank and the screw screen are equipped with washing systems to remove organic matters from the screenings in order to reduce odour problems.


  • Screws: high strength carbon steel or stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Structure: stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Screen Basket: perforated sheet with 6mm holes
  • Trough Protection: bolted stainless steel wearing bars.
  • Flow rates: 50 m3/h and 100 m3/h

Septage acceptance unit screening


SEP is a machine used to pre-treat wastewater from cesspools, recieved directly from a tank truck connected to the machine by a quick connection end pipe, Perrot type, DN100. Wastewater is screened to remove larger particles and then screenings (removed particles) are washed to remove organic matters and compacted before being disharged. This washing phase allows to reduce odour problems. The machine consists of a receiving tank provided with a quick connection and an electromechanical ball valve, a screw screen with compacting system before the outlet spout. Both the tank and the screw screen are equipped with a washing systems to remove organic matters from the screenings.



  • Screw: high strength carbon steel or stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Structure: stainless steel AISI 304/316
  • Screen Basket: perforated sheet with 6mm holes
  • Trough Protection: bolted stainless steel wearing bars in AISI 304/316
  • Flow rates: 50 m3/h and 100 m3/h.